International Anti-Corruption Day

Quick Facts - CA

HashtagsCompiled on#Anticorruptionday
Related Hashtags#Corruption, #UNCAC20, #Compliance, #Antifraud, #IACC2023, #Youthanticorruption
2023 DateDecember 9, 2023
2024 DateDecember 9, 2024

International Anti-Corruption Day

International Anti-Corruption Day is a global observance that raises awareness about the negative impact of corruption on economic growth, social development, and political stability. The aim of this day is to promote transparency, accountability, integrity, and the rule of law. It encourages governments, businesses, and individuals to stand united in the fight against corrupt practices and to support anti-corruption measures, thereby fostering a culture of transparency and social responsibility.

The United Nations General Assembly designated December 9th as International Anti-Corruption Day in 2003, to coincide with the signing of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). Canada has been a strong supporter of transparency initiatives such as the UNCAC and the G20 Anti-Corruption Plan, which both promote international cooperation against corruption. The Canadian government, alongside other nations, works to enact laws, establish institutions, and implement programs that combat corruption, protect whistleblowers, and encourage public engagement, all the while upholding the principles of transparency and accountability.

In observance of International Anti-Corruption Day, Canada participates in various activities that highlight the country's ongoing commitment to fighting corruption. Events and campaigns organized by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and civil society groups provide an opportunity to foster public dialogue on the importance of transparency and integrity. Educational seminars, discussions, and workshops are held throughout the country, addressing the far-reaching social, economic, and political consequences of corruption. International Anti-Corruption Day serves as a reminder for Canadians to stand together against corrupt practices and promote a just, equitable, and prosperous society for all.

Facts about International Anti-Corruption Day

  • The United Nations estimates that every year, $1 trillion is paid in bribes worldwide while an estimated $2.6 trillion are stolen annually through corruption.
  • According to the World Economic Forum, corruption increases the cost of doing business by up to 10% on average.
  • The private sector plays a critical role preventing and combating corruption as companies can implement high standards of integrity in their business practices.

Top things to do in Canada for this observance

  • Spend time reading and researching the Panama Papers problems which exposed corruption of high-standing politicians and companies worldwide.
  • Raise awareness on social media by using the hashtags #BreaktheChain, #InternationalAnti-CorruptionDay and #EndCorruption.

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