National French Toast Day

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2023 DateNovember 28, 2023
2024 DateNovember 28, 2024

National French Toast Day

National French Toast Day is an annual celebration observed across the United States, dedicated to honoring the sweet, savoury, and scrumptious breakfast delight known as french toast. The purpose of this event is primarily to commemorate the mouth-watering cuisine, which has been a significant part of American breakfast tables for generations, and to encourage people to indulge in, share, and experiment with french toast recipes.

While the exact origins of National French Toast Day are unclear, the dish it celebrates has a history that predates the formation of France. Also known as 'pain perdu' or 'lost bread', french toast was a popular way to use stale bread in ancient Rome. It wasn't until the 17th century, the recipe, involving soaking bread in a mixture of milk and eggs before frying it, made its way to America from Europe.

National French Toast Day is an opportunity to explore and appreciate the versatility of this delectable delight which can be served with an array of toppings, from the traditional butter and maple syrup, to fresh fruit, or even savory toppings like bacon and cheese. So, whether a casual home cook or a seasoned gourmet, everyone can enjoy this familiar comfort food on its special day, which occurs every November 28th.

National French Toast Day facts

  • According to, one of the earliest versions of French toast can be traced back to the Roman Empire.
  • In France, French Toast is called ‘pain perdu’ which translates to lost bread. Originally, stale bread was used for the dish in order to make use of bread that would otherwise be thrown away.
  • A recipe resembling French toast was found in the White House cookbook in 1887. The instructions called for bread to be soaked and then cooked, similar to how French toast is made.

Top things to do for National French Toast Day

  • Eat some French toast. The sweet and savory dish can be eaten with syrup or sugar on top as well as fruits and even meats like sauage or bacon.
  • Try making your own French toast. Ingredients include: cinnamon, ground nutmeg, sugar, butter, eggs, milk, vanilla extract, and sliced bread.
  • Explore different options of French toast. Most countries serve some variation of it but there may be a different ingredient for example in Italy, before frying the bread, mozzarella is stuffed in between it.

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