National Compliment Day

National Compliment Day Quick Facts - GB

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2024 Date24 January 2024
2025 Date24 January 2025

National Compliment Day

National Compliment Day is an international observance focused on spreading appreciation and positivity among people. It encourages participants to offer genuine compliments to others, reinforcing the power of positive interactions. In a society often focused on the negatives, this observance aims to shift our perspective to celebrate and recognise the good in people, promoting goodwill and uplifting spirits.

National Compliment Day is widely recognized around the world and in the United Kingdom. Though it is not a traditionally British observance, it has gained recognition in the UK over recent years. Acknowledging this day prompts individuals driving British society to express genuine appreciation for colleagues, friends, family, and even strangers. Recognising good qualities and achievements promotes a positivity culture, contributing towards more harmony and respect, values deeply regarded in the United Kingdom.

In the United Kingdom, National Compliment Day is observed in various ways, from personally complimenting individuals to launching workplace initiatives encouraging positive feedback. Schools use this day as an opportunity to enhance positive social interactions among students. Businesses have also been known to introduce activities that boost morale and engagement. It is noteworthy that whilst National Compliment Day is a global observance taking place on January 24th, this date holds true in the UK, with no unique British variation. This observance provides a special chance to foster positivity, one compliment at a time.

Facts about National Compliment Day

  • According to a 2012 study by the National Institute for Physiological Sciences, receiving a compliment can boost performance. Leading researcher Professor Norihiro Sadato said, to the brain, receiving a compliment is as much a social reward as being rewarded money. We've been able to find scientific proof that a person performs better when they receive a social reward after completing an exercise.
  • Compliments can stimulate the same area in the brain as does receiving cash, making them a very powerful motivator.
  • When receiving a compliment, the British usually respond with modesty or self-deprecation, by downplaying their achievements or playing off the compliment with humor. This is a way of avoiding arrogance and maintaining a sense of humility.
  • British people appreciate compliments that are specific and genuine. By focusing on a particular achievement or quality, a compliment becomes more sincere and likely to be welcomed by the recipient.

Top things to do in the UK for National Compliment Day

  • Consider unique compliments that might warm your friend's and family's hearts. Almost all compliments are appreciated, but if it's personal or unique to an individual it can mean a lot more.
  • Spread positivity online. Compliment a stranger, like a friends post. Social media is the bridge between the online world and reality. There's someone on the other side of the screen so why not make them feel special?

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