Pi Day

Pi Day Quick Facts - GB

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2024 Date14 March 2024
2025 Date14 March 2025

Pi Day

Pi Day is a worldwide event dedicated to celebrating the mathematical constant Pi, often denoted as π. This mathematical marvel, characterised by its intriguing, non-repeating decimal places and magic ratio between a circle's circumference and its diameter, continues to fascinate scholars and mathematicians alike. The day bolsters the importance of mathematics in our lives, allowing an opportunity to uncover the beauty of maths and its astounding applications.

Pi Day has a brief but noteworthy history. Though the significance of the constant dates back to ancient times, the concept itself was introduced by the Greek mathematician Archimedes, and it became nationally recognised in the United States in 2009. Because of its unique representation (as 3.14), Pi Day offers an exciting platform for maths enthusiasts across the globe, including the United Kingdom. It has sparked a sense of enthusiasm for maths among the UK's youth, presenting an invaluable opportunity to foster an appreciation for this critical and versatile subject.

In the UK, Pi Day is observed with a range of activities organised in schools, universities and multiple communities. These typically involve educational discussions and debates, quizzes, contests and even some pie-eating or pie-throwing events to add an extra element of fun to the festivities. With the aim to encourage mathematical literacy among all age groups, Pi Day occurs annually on March 14, reflecting the first three digits of this infinite number's decimal. This is in resonance with the United States, aligning with their calendar notation style which places the month before the day.

Facts about Pi Day

  • In 2015, at 9:26:53 (AM and PM), all of the first ten digits of Pi (3.141592653) were present in the date and time.
  • Pi is an irrational number, meaning it cannot be expressed properly as a fraction.
  • Albert Einstein, widely referred to as the father of modern physics, was born on March 14, 1879. Therefore, Pi Day also recognizes Einstein's birthday.

Top things to do in the UK for Pi Day

  • Memorize as many digits of Pi as you can (remember, the World Record Holder was able to memorize 70,000 decimal places of pi).
  • Eat a pie to celebrate Pi day and earn bonus points if your can calculate Pi for your pie's circumference! Here are some twists on traditional pies that you can try:
    1) Avocado and cream cheese pie
    2) Cheeseburger and pickle pie made from ground beef, cheese, and chopped dill pickles
    3) Mac and Cheese Pie topped with bacon
    4) Hot dog pie covered with a layer of cheese
    5) Twinkie pie topped with whipped cream
  • Practice your geometry and algebra equations that contain the constant Pi. Here are some useful formulas to help you:
    Circumference of a circle = 2 πr
    Area of a Circle = π r^2
    Volume of a Cylinder = π r^2h
    where r=radius and h=height

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